Potatoes beget potatoes!

I posted a notice on my cooking blog (http://www.survival-cooking.com/) about a sale that Safeway is having for potatoes ... 10 pounds for just .99 cents! A regular reader commented about a post she'd made about how just one pound of potatoes can grow into 100 pounds of potatoes. Check it out at: http://preparednesspro.wordpress.com/2009/10/07/100-pounds-of-potatoes-for-a-buck

Since Saturday, we now have 10 bags of potatoes, each with 10 pounds. That's 100 pounds right there for ten dollars. (I actually bought 11 but gave one to mother-in-law.) As I bring out a bag of taters to cook with, I'll look through and put aside any that look like they'll sprout. We'll use the un-sprouting taters over winter. Those that sprouted or look like they'll sprout, we'll quarter, sprout and plant in the Spring.

Good way to utilize my money, don't you think?

Used a whopping 4 potatoes to make crockpot potato soup for dinner. Yum!


Trashdigger said...

4 potatos would feed one of my kids.. To make a good pot of potato soup takes about a ten pound bag with carrots

ThrtnWmsFam said...

wow! i thought my teenager eating 2 baked potatoes (the only way he'll eat them) was a lot!

hope you stocked up big time when they were on sale at safeway last week.
